Here’s the thing about application deadlines: they move us closer to a moment of unexpected excitement and pride in ourselves. Unlike “someday I will” intentions, deadlines, either externally or internally created, push us to eventually hit the submit button.
But what happens in the aftermath of hitting submit is often a surprising joy. It catches students and families off guard.
Their focus and attention has been squarely in the “doing” of application season, with its forms, essays, and resumes; the reality of “what’s next,” hits unexpectedly, and happily.
This is actually an important moment from a mindset point of view. While there are still things you will need to complete and manage, namely following up on application materials and possibly additional applications to turn in (e.g., scholarship and honors college), the biggest shift must come in your head and heart.
Hitting the submit button marks the transition from you as the applicant having control of the process, to the college now having the control. You have done your work, and now the admissions offices must do theirs. Yes, it is important for you to lean into your applications by being proactive and organized. It is also important for you to maintain a healthy detachment from those applications once they are submitted.
So take time to celebrate and take pride in hitting submit. This next phase of your journey is just now beginning.
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